在工作附近的 7-11裡 ...
Saw on a packet of tit-bit ... a classic case/ example of text advert:
伴茶 伴酒 伴好友
談天 敘舊 吃豌豆
很讚對不對.... 在某牌子包裝上看到的... ^_^
Author: VAL in 淡大 /等待... Waiting...
Author: VAL in 淡大 /晚上約了Ah Rach吃飯... 但這小妮子忽然有工作要趕工... 就這樣放著我一個人囉... 等啊... 等... 她現在工作的地方對我來說不算陌生也其實不怎麼熟... 呵呵....
老舊的廈門街/Amoy Street 熟食中心在不久前被政府翻新了。不變的是老街坊的面孔, 變的是地方乾淨了看起來開曠多了。這附近其實堆積了我不少的回憶... 換句話說... 新加坡還真小啊 .... 哈哈哈 ....
我朋友來了... 吃飯去~~
Author: VAL in 淡大 /哇~~~~ 我有整整一個月沒上網update我的BLOG了...... 嘿嘿~~ ^_*
今午後, 地鐵站附近有活動, 是為了某品牌的即溶咖啡做宣傳。我走回Office的時候, 看看周圍... 並同時感嘆在那麼小的商業區裡... 竟然衝刺著那麼多不同/種族的人 ^_^ 在那麼小的空間裡竟然有那麼多人正在為未來打拼... 新加坡這麼小的國家裡也是住滿了許許多多形形色色的的人。Like a meeting point for different kinds of people. It has been so since ... when Singapore was founded I guess. With merchant ships coming to port, trading commodities and providing opportunities to those daring to take the chance.
Another working Night ...
Author: VAL in 淡大 /It's interesting how writing appeals to me... guess it's becos I de-stress by penning down my thoughts and feelings, at the spur of the moment that is... hehe~ Penning down thoughts then and there also somehow seems "juicier". What I mean by that is that I notice it kinda tend to water down when I have a second look on what I wrote.
It's been a rather hectic week, more tired actually, with the club telling me that I would have to work for the rest of the week night, at 1st with only Tue & Wed nites. This was due to the urgent medical leave a fellow FO staff ... so I had to fill in for the time being. With that and another due for Maternity Leave ... I really wonder how are they gonna manage. You can see that we are REALLY short-staffed...
That's that with my complaining .... another night of killing time... ^_^ ...
Author: VAL in 淡大 /辦公室到底有多冷我並不清楚... 但能夠讓我有冰凍的感覺我想, 那應該還算蠻冷的吧。Took a toilet break from the cold, thought it'll be warmer outside....
Was warming my hands at the hand-dryer and that was when I noticed the blood capillaries on my palms & fingers. I have never been really able to clearly see them before that is... notice how ecstatic I am over this... the reunion of me and my blood vessels... hahaha... Imagine how cold the office is... and to think that my hands were so cold that there weren't any blood colour so as the blue and green of my veins stand out.
Author: VAL in 淡大 /坐在 Suntec City Tower 4 (新達城) Carrefour/家樂福 外的一間cafe, Secret Recipe裡。我點了個Raspberry Cheesecake 和杯咖啡 (housebrew)。對了, 我為什麼會出現在這裡... 因為約了3個女人... 等下要去另一個朋友的wedding dinner/婚宴。這個時間... 應該是等到人了, 但是咧.... 你知道的啦... 女人嘛...
允許我在這裡發發牢騷.... 因為本人一下班便趕著到約會地點, 但是我人到了卻四下無人.... 原因種種... 種種原因... 所以我仍在等待。
借著等待之餘, 就這樣喝著咖啡寫寫字囉... 要等人就不要虧待自己啦... 起碼找個舒服的地方等~~嘻嘻~~ 我發覺哦, personally speaking that is, 人往往會朝悲觀的角度來看事情/ there's a tendency for humans to pity oneself. Dunno is it because it's comforting or habitual or ..... I dunno.
我的咖啡是苦的... 因為我沒加糖... 但想想哦... whether it's bitter or sweet depends on what I tell myself, or rather what my brain tell my tongue. It can still taste sweet though it's bitter... as the fragrance and body of it compensates the overall taste. Isn't it just like how we see stuff, I'm speaking for myself... that things don't always have to be the way I see it. It can be good or bad on the ground of how I interpret or experience.... and maybe even learn from it. Hmm... now is that a good thing or bad thing?!?! ^_^