
Author: VAL in 淡大 /

坐在 Suntec City Tower 4 (新達城) Carrefour/家樂福 外的一間cafe, Secret Recipe裡。我點了個Raspberry Cheesecake 和杯咖啡 (housebrew)。對了, 我為什麼會出現在這裡... 因為約了3個女人... 等下要去另一個朋友的wedding dinner/婚宴。這個時間... 應該是等到人了, 但是咧.... 你知道的啦... 女人嘛...

允許我在這裡發發牢騷.... 因為本人一下班便趕著到約會地點, 但是我人到了卻四下無人.... 原因種種... 種種原因... 所以我仍在等待。

借著等待之餘, 就這樣喝著咖啡寫寫字囉... 要等人就不要虧待自己啦... 起碼找個舒服的地方等~~嘻嘻~~ 我發覺哦, personally speaking that is, 人往往會朝悲觀的角度來看事情/ there's a tendency for humans to pity oneself. Dunno is it because it's comforting or habitual or ..... I dunno.

我的咖啡是苦的... 因為我沒加糖... 但想想哦... whether it's bitter or sweet depends on what I tell myself, or rather what my brain tell my tongue. It can still taste sweet though it's bitter... as the fragrance and body of it compensates the overall taste. Isn't it just like how we see stuff, I'm speaking for myself... that things don't always have to be the way I see it. It can be good or bad on the ground of how I interpret or experience.... and maybe even learn from it. Hmm... now is that a good thing or bad thing?!?! ^_^