
Author: VAL in 淡大 /

Ok... for everybody's benefit... I applied to the Taipei National University of the Arts, http://www.tnua.edu.tw Department of Theatre Design & Technology : http://design.tnua.edu.tw

I went for a proficiency test in late February at the Tawian Representative office. Basically took a test with English, Maths & Mandarin together in a 2-hr paper. I'm suppose to know the results today, and at this moment...I received a call from the TW Rep Office. I have this bad habit of not picing up calls when I don't know the number. Since the call is gonna be transfered to a voice mail, most of the time I'll wait to see if the caller finds it important to leave me a voice message.

And... I did receive a voice message... my sms shows:
1 new voice message in your mailbox. By number 6278XXXX

At exactly One -thirty in the afternoon, I receive news that I have been accepted intot he University that I applied for!!!!!!!!!!~ ^_^ Fabulous ah.... to think I've been worrying for the past few months... But I fear this is only the beginning ....

Anyway, this is a start .... a means to the end I want... haha ....